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Let's start with some background folks:  I lived in Atlanta for most of our relationship (the last three years) while Justin stayed in Philadelphia.  Although we visited each other frequently, most of our relationship was built and cultivated through phone and social media. Ok, on with the story!

I got into Philly on Friday night to meet Mr. Hale before he went to class at Drexel. While he was in class, he decided to skype me on my ipod (I must captivate his attention :). He stepped out of class during one of their breaks, and that's where the acting clinic began!  Justin picked up his ringing phone where he proceded to have a disheartening conversation with his ‘boss’. He told me afterwards that he had to go into work tomorrow morning, a Saturday, and our weekend plans were ruined! Fortunately, upon Justin's suggestions, I planned a Girls Day with Karen, the wife of Justin's soon to be Best Man. Karen and I normally hang out only with the boys around, so I was excited to finally hang out with her and get pampered. Karen made an appointment for us to get our nails done. This came in handy (no pun intended) because of Justin's and my evening plans (more on that later!).

After hanging out wth Karen for a few hours, Justin requested via text for me to meet him at Drew and Renee’s house (two of our great friends) where he would meet me around later in the day. Right on schedule, Karen also got a call from her husband to remind her of their pending plans for the evening, giving her a reason to drop me off immediately! To my chagrin, our afternoon came to an end, but I began to look forward to seeing my sweetheart for the first time that day!

Upon arriving to our friends' house, Justin starts to blow up my phone. This was unlike him, so I called him back after his third attempt. He sounded frustrated on the phone because his "job" required him to put in a couple more hours, but he ensured me that he would try to get off as soon as possible. Unexpenctantly, he requested that we Skype each other like we did the night before (are you following me so far?).  He told me he missed me and wanted to to see my face while he finished up at work. As we were skyping, he told me there was a surprise waiting for me upstairs.  Unsure when he had time to plan this, I nervously went into the room and what I saw next took my breathe away. Justin took the time to remember early text messages and facebook messages that we sent to each other in 2009 when we were just getting to know each other.  He had posted all of them on the walls of this little room just so he could see a smile appear on my face.  Tears began to fill my eyes as we began to reminisce how we reconnected after eight years apart. I couldn't believe he took the time to do something so special, little did I know that he had much more planned! 

As Justin continued to pretend to be at work, he secretly was walking to the front door!  Completely oblivious to that, I began to plead with him to get off of work so we could be together.  That's when he said, “Actually baby, for you I will get off of work now”. Suddenly, I heard the front door open. I ran downstairs with excitement and confusion. I keep repeating, "What is going on?", "Why are you here?" and "Were you outside that whole time?" As I walk toward him. Brian McKnight's "The Only One For Me" begins to play softly in the background and an unfamiliar nervous look appeared on Justin's face. He started to walk toward me as the tears continued to flow from my eyes. With arms outstretched, he held me and told me how much he loved me, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and that he wanted to take care of and provide for me. He then said "Gerrianne Nicole Dorsett," as he went down on one knee, "will you marry me?" At this point I was so shocked, so surprised, so excited, so speechless, and so ecstatic…lol. I said YES!

‘She said Yes’ shouted a voice from behind me. I turned around to look towards the kitchen was surprised to see a host of friends and family screaming and shouting. I joined in with them as Karen walked in devious!! :)

This magical day continued in royal fashion, as Justin and I got dressed up and went to a sophisticated ball in downtown Philly, our own personal engagement party!  I felt like the most important woman in the room that night, but even more special was the diamond shimmering on my ring finger.  What an amazing day.  I'm getting emotional just typing these words!

We are thrilled of the possibility of you joining us on our special day; our wedding! We are truly blessed to share our lives together. Please continue to pray with us and for us as we begin the journey of life together.